@ No. 8 Road A Close, Olubadan Estate,
New Ife Road Ibadan (off Gbagi Market)

as Home Health Caregivers.
Kindly send a message to services@prihemac.com
a chat to 08056952984 (Matron Falola) on WhatsApp.
in the comfort of their homes?

Welcome To New Lease Of Life
PriHEMAC utilizes public-private partnership strategy with Faith-based organizations, Academia, multilateral and bilateral and multilateral development partners to empower and build capacity of identified appropriate target groups in communities for provision of quality health services base on primary health care principles.
Meeting Physical, Social, and Psychological Needs of Vulnerable members of the community through trained home health caregivers
Common Basis Social Needs of the elderly may include Loneliness or Social exclusion (because of unemployment, death or divorce, separation of children and family members, negligence and abuses, abandonment) loss of independence, low income, boredom etc.)
Common Basic Psychological Needs may include Delirium and Dementia/Alzheimer’s, affective disorder: depression, mania, anxiety, phobia, drug abuse, alcoholism.
Common Basic Physical Needs of the elderly and convalescents may include because of fracture, incontinence, hyper/hypotension, congestive heart disease, stroke, eye and ear problems, diabetes, cancers etc. there could be inability to carry out some or most of the activities of daily living: bathing, dressing, eating, using toilet, walking etc.,
Training of Home Health Caregivers and Hemoglobinopathy counsellors
In order to ensure that the Caregivers and Ambassadors develop the appropriate skill, knowledge and attitude for required services, PriHEMAC has produced one Peer Reviewed Handbook each for training of home health caregivers and PriHEMAC Elderly Friendly Ambassadors.
Health System Strengthening
In partnership with Ministries of Health (MoH) and other Ministries, Department, and Agencies, PriHEMAC manages collaborative projects and programs; pilots innovative service delivery approaches; involves communities; develops human resources, and strengthens infrastructure and information systems
PriHEMAC Year 2024 Free Medical Outreach - Alalubosa Community, Egbeda LGA
On 5th December, 2024, PriHEMAC, in collaboration with Alalubosa Community stakeholders (Ward 10, Egbeda LGA), organized a free medical outreach for the residents of Alalubosa Community. The outreach was carried out at Chief Amos Olawoyin’s Residence, Alalubosa Ibadan
Preparatory activities
In preparing for the event, PriHEMAC Staff meeting was held on November 18th 2024. At the meeting it was agreed that Alalubosa community, ward 10 of Egbeda LGA be selected as the site for the activity and 5th December was proposed for the event. The community was selected because of the need to expand to more communities that share the same ward with PriHEMAC Office, e.g. many activities had been carried out in Adelubi community also in ward 10, EgbedaLGA.
After the decision was made, advocacy visit was paid to the Head of Alalubosa community, Chief Amos Olawoyin to inform him about the program. the Community head accepted the proposal willingly and arranged for a meeting with the head, zonal Chairman of the community. The Chairman and the PRO for the community were met and the objectives of the program were explained. Collaboration was also sought from the community to provide space and make arrangements for seats and tables. The proposed program and the date for the event were warmly accepted with appreciation.
The event featured health talks on various topics, including malaria, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, sickle cell disease, nutrition, dental health, and care of the Elder. Screening tests were conducted for blood pressure, blood sugar, malaria, and sickle cell disease in newborns.
Medical consultations were provided, with prescriptions and referrals issued as needed. Free malaria medication, analgesics for aches and pains, and haematinics were distributed to participants.
A total of 91 individuals received medical services: 73 adults (20 males, 53 females) and 18 children (8 males, 10 females). Among the children, 13 were screened for sickle cell disease. Fifteen (15) people also received dental consultations. The General Practitioner attended to 36 people during the event.
This outreach was a successful community health initiative aimed at improving public health awareness and access to medical care especially targeted at the Children, Mothers and the Elderly.

Would you like to speak to us? Just submit your details and we’ll be in touch shortly and you can email us if you would prefer.